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version: 1.0-rc1

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1.0-beta9 Windows binary

1.0-beta8 (previous) static Linux binary

1.0-beta9 source (bz2)

1.0-beta9 source (gz)

Pizza Business FAQ

1. What is Pizza Business?

Pizza Business is a game written in C++ in which you start a pizza restaurant. You, the owner, make the decisions that affect the growth (or decline) of your pizza business. You must manage a budget, hire/fire employees based on performance reports, buy tables and chairs for the restaurant, buy ovens, and buy advertisements to promote your business. The game is being targeted for multiple platforms including Windows and Linux. The game uses the wxWindows cross-platform GUI library.

2. Why is the game text-only? Where are the 3d graphics?

In creating this game, we decided that instead of focusing on creating pretty graphics, we would instead focus on creating a game which was fun to play. Also, since we do coding for this game in our spare time, we decided to try and limit the complexity of the task we were undertaking. A third reason is that none of the current development team is familiar with either of the two dominant graphics APIs: DirectX and OpenGL.

3. Is this game based on the Pizza Tycoon game from Microprose?

While Pizza Tycoon is the inspiration for this game, we are not intending to make a carbon-copy clone of Pizza Tycoon. What we *do* intend to make is a fun, interesting game where you manage a pizza business.

4. Hey, this game gave me a crash dialog while playing the game. What can I do about it?

It seems that you have found a nasty bug. Report them to the project manager ( or, you could post it at: under the "bugs"-section.

5. Are you going to charge money for this game?

No, this project is held under the GPL (GNU General Public License) which means in simple terms, that no money will be requested from us, the development team behind the game. Not by anyone, actually. However, if you are a very generous person, and would like to credit us for our work (which will of course also boost the motivation) then a donation of $9 (or more if you'd like), is appreciated! Note: you are not forced by either the license, neither are you by us in the developer team, to give us money! This amount will be placed on our own bank accounts, and not necessarly used for this project! For more questions in this concern, mail me:

6. I heard something about a GUI ...

Yes, the game uses has a cross-platform GUI that we know works on Windows and Linux.

7. How is this GUI-thing going to work? What kind of GUI is it? Will I be able to use it in both Windows and Linux?

The game uses wxWindows, a cross-platform GUI library. Therefore, the game GUI will run on any platform that is supported by wxWindows; currently, we know that it works on Windows and Linux.

8. When are you planning to release the GUI version, then?

The GUI version has been released.

9. Is there a manual written for this game?

No, not for Windows and Mac users .. yet! You just have to wait a little while longer. But for all you UNIX and GNU users, there is a UNIX man page available (note that this man page is beta, and some things mentioned in it, is taken in consideration for the future). As a matter of fact, you can officially find it in version 0.97 and up, and all you have to do, is type make install and then man pbgame. Vo�la ...

10. Is this game free? What license is it under?

Pizza Business is released under the GNU General Public License. Click on the link for more information.

11. What can I do to help?

We are always looking for volunteers who are interested in helping us with the creation of Pizza Business. If you feel that you could contribute something to Pizza Business, whether it be code, graphics, or simply ideas, please contact our project manager, tsarkon. If we had to specify an area in which we could use the most help, however, it would definitely be graphics. Anyone who has downloaded the game has probably noticed the mediocre graphics that the game has. If you have art that you would like to contribute to the game, please contact us and let us know. There's plenty of gray, boring, blank space in the game that we would LOVE to fill up with cool graphics.

12. Where can I get help?

You can get help from the mailing lists, the forums, or on the pizza-business irc channel (, #pizza-business)

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