A screenshot section has been added, just like promised a while ago! (These are actual screenshots from the game, not hype).
Coding has begun in earnest on the Pizza Business GUI for Win32, thanks to bigj_sal. I can say for sure that, judging from what I've seen, I'm very excited about the GUI. It will definitely provide a better way of playing the game, because the console can become rather cludgy.
Also, I have been working through some different possibilities for making the simulation more complex (and, therefore making the game seem more fun and real), and I've come up with a system that I think will add some depth. The plus side of it is that it won't require any really major code changes - just a couple new objects, and some more detailed equations relating to probabilites and statistics. Lastly, while we have not begun working on a GUI for Linux, there are still plans to make one. So, all you Linux users, there's no need to worry - we haven't forgotten you.
Finally! Here it is! Enjoy. Only source code this time, but we're talking source code for the win32 GUI, also, that we have started to make. Take a look, and compile it if you're able to. Send in bugs if you see any of those.
I have just installed new software tools for development, and I am ready to contribute with some stuff. Instead of releasing a not-so-much-new-code release today, I will wait a day or two, fix the stuff that will be attached, and then I will make this release look good from all angles I can possibly think of. Have patience, folks! Please.